Treasures that can be uncovered in the country are categorized into two. The most common treasures that are being searched by hunters are those that were hidden by the Japanese Imperial Army in the previous World War 2. These are war loots plundered by the Japanese soldiers from different South East Asian countries.

The Philippine Museum doesn’t care about these kinds of treasures. Their concern is more about the second category which are items that are considered as “National Treasures”. These objects are mostly in the form of ancient artifacts or antiques. The main reason why the Philippine Museum wants them is to extract some cultural information about the ancient Filipino people.
So assuming that you are a treasure hunter and you discovered a certain finding. Before sharing is to be done, archaeologists from the Philippine Museum will have to examine them if they do possess any cultural value to the Philippine ancient history.
If none then both the government and the finder can resume with their sharing procedures. However, if the archaeologists came up with an analysis that the items are cultural in nature then sad to say that the items will get confiscated.

Anyway, your discoveries will be displayed in the Philippine Museum where you can visit them anytime you want.